
Fees, Rules, & Important Information


       FEES: Must be paid Before the Season!

  • General Manger Fee -$30
  • Assistant Coach Fee-$20
  • Locked Players – $10
  • Extra Builds- $10 players may add an extra build after draft (fee must be paid and player registered before build is used in game)
  • After Draft Paid- $30
  • (2 builds ) 
  • Gamer-tag Change Fee -$5
  • Rescheduling Fee: 2 total Reschedules  ($5 each extra reschedule)
  • Platinum Plan Fee: under revision
  • Sign A Free Agent • $5 (paid only when keeping the FA)
  • Trading players • $5 (Initiating team pays)


  • Refuse to play for a team • Season ban $25 to be reinstated next season
  • Forfeit- $25 fee to negate the first FF. Forfeit fee will be divided up by the team sitting in the gym. (Fee doubled in playoffs)(Team must be ready to play as soon as fine is paid all other FF rules apply.)


Rules & Important Information


  • Players must sign-up both of their builds before draft
  • Players must participate in min 3 showcases
  • Players must play 3 games with their secondary role in combine games.
  • Traded Players have to play in at least 50% of games to be eligible for playoffs (combined between both teams)
  • Players drafted to a team do not have a minimum games requirement to play in playoff games for the team that drafted them.
  • All players must play in 3 games before they are eligible to be traded, owners may release a player at any time.
    Owners may pay $10 for each game not played in order to trade said player.
  • Gm’s will be responsible for Twitter posts for their respective teams ( includes game time and streams must tag lg Twitter in all posts)
  •  In order to be a GM/AC for a team, both GM and AC must combine for 10 combine games with teams made up of 3 different players minimum.


  •  Regular season game Total dependent on season*
  •  Monday-Thursday (scheduled games)
  •  Friday-Sunday (reschedule games)
  •  Sunday 5 pm est is the deadline to play rescheduled games
  •  2 games per night 
  • winner most post SS in appropriate chat
  • winner must post VOD link along with SS (V.O.D. Video on demand, link to the specific game in not link to your twitch or other streaming platform)

Forfeiture Rules:

  • Time must be agreed upon by both teams by 3 Pm Est.
  • If Team does not respond to scheduled request by 3pm est. will have to make the requested time, or reschedule or FF.
  • Teams have 15 min to get into the gym and ready to play.
  • After a game 1 Forfeit teams have 5 minutes to get into the game or they will forfeit game 2
  • In order to claim FF teams must be streaming and all Players in gym ready. if a player leaves the gym timer is reset.
  • all streams must be posted in the appropriate chat. stream must be posted at game time or before, FF requests will not be accepted without it
  • FF payment Teams may avoid 1 forfeit per night by paying $25 fee.
  • after FF fee is paid team gains 5 min grace period / or reschedule. (see reschedule rules if apply)

Point Spread:

  • 2 points per minute to start at the 5 min mark of grace period
  • Admin must be contacted prior to the 5 min mark of grace period
  • Must be in gym, stream on
  • 20 points equal a forfeit
  • Team sitting in gym may reset gym after 15 min
  •  Contact  Admin to dictate the spread


Reschedule Rules: 

  • Teams may reschedule 2 hrs before scheduled time.
  • Teams asking for the reschedule must be available to play at the time set by the opp.
  • Times picked can be any day including the reschedule days from 6 pm Est to 11 pm Est  
  • if a rescheduled game is agree upon on a scheduled date, scheduled game is more important than the rescheduled game and must take precedence

Gamer tag Change/Extra Build Rules:

  • Players must pay before game time for gamer tag change 
  • If game(s) are played without the proper fee being paid the team will forfeit game and or series the build or tag played in.

Gameplay Rules:

  • No RPP
  • 6 games require to qualify for ASG
  • 10 games require for end of season awards

Kneecaps Rule:

  • GMs must play all players in a minimum of 4 games

Lag-out Rules:

Lag outs Loading into Game: If a player lags out before or right as the game loads up it will not count towards the restart counter.

1st Quarter: If a player lags out during the first quarter, the game must be fully replayed, and, to the extent the spread is more than 4 points at the time of the lag out, such spread must be implemented. Accordingly, if a team was up 5 points at the time the lag-out occurred, the other team will be required to win by 6 points. If the spread is less than 4 points, the game must be replayed with 0-0 to start.

2nd Quarter:
If a player lags out during the second quarter, the game must be fully replayed, and the spread must be implemented, even if a difference of only 1 point.  A team is allowed three lag outs in the first half subject to the rules in the above two bullet points. If a player lags out on the fourth attempt, the game must be completed with an AI player(s) or the team that quits will be considered to have forfeit.  Second Half: if a player lags out during the second half, the game must be completed with the AI player(s).

3rd Quarter: If Lag out occurs by player on a Team who is Ahead all players on the winning team must dash and game must be replayed from the spot of the lag out. Points spread is in effect, no matter the amount. Winning team must dash within one possession of the lag out.

Restarts: Points after the lag out will not count. Team with ball at the time of the lag out will retain the possession at the start of the restart.

Line-ups during Restarts: If a player lags out multiple times during the start of the game or during the first quarter while tied, up or a point differential of 2 or less that player may be subbed out. (This rule only comes into affect if the the initial 15 min. grace period has not expired.)

After a lag out, the teams must remain the same both with respect to players and builds; however, if both sides agree, a player may be replaced, especially if the player is responsible for the game continuing to lag out. The opposing team has the right to veto such a change.

  (This ruling is in effect after initial 15 min grace period has expired)

Free Agent/ Trade Deadline:

  • Free Agency will ends the Thursday of week 3 of the season
  • Trades will no longer be accepted after Thursday of week 3
  • All FA pick ups and players picked up in a trade must play at least 6 games with their new team to become eligible for the playoffs

Playoffs :

  • Playoff brackets will be determined on a season by season basis.
  • Rounds will be best of 3 Finals will be best of 5
  • Playoffs will begin the 5th week of the season Monday.
  • The first three rounds must be completed in the first week of playoffs
  • 48 hr advance  at least 2 games must be played on the first night. If any team is unable to compete on the first night they forfeit the round.
  • If the prior series is concluded and opponents declare quarter and semi finals games must commence 24 hrs after the opponent is declared.
  • Finals are to start the Monday following playoff, start.
  • Finals will also have a 48 hr window. 3 Games must be completed the first night and if needed series must be concluded on the second night.
  • If playoffs move faster than expected and both teams agree to start the series earlier, the series must still be completed 48 hrs from the start of the series no matter what day it falls on
  • no Team will be force to play on off days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
  •  FFs do not count as games played. Required amount of games must still be played unless team waiting around can not make the second game (game 3) 
  • FF payment Teams may avoid 1 forfeit per night by paying $25 fee. (no reschedule allowed)
  • after FF fee is paid team gains 5 min grace period
  • All games must be streamed by both side and posted
  • All players must be on the mic actively talking during the game
  • Failure to stream and have all audio included will result in FF

Courts / Jersey Requirements:

  • No Color courts
  • May use colors in paint and out of bounds
  • Light home jerseys / Dark away jerseys
  • T2E logo must be placed on the court
  • No other League logos may be on courts at any given time.
  • All games must be played in full uniform
  • Scoreboard must READ T2E
  • Failure to follow these rules
  •        First infraction Warning
  •        Second infraction Forfeit of Game
  •        Third infraction Forfeit of series ( possible Gm removal)